Friday 18 November 2016

How To Start A Blog

Starting a blog is very similar to creating a website. A blog is a
web page created through a blogging platform for an intended purpose.
Are you a blog owner? How far have you gone in running a successful
blog of your own? Do you actually make money with a blog? Sincerely,
you can start earning using a blog.

How do you get started?

Creating a money making blog has never been easier. There are many
blogging platforms online to choose from but the most commonly chosen
ones among them are Blogger and Wordpress. These are the two greatest
and most trusted blogging platforms you can start with. For the sake
of just starting, blogger is quite easier than any other blogging
platform. It is user-friendly. It is also search engine optimized such
that traffic rises very fast. Blogger is a free blogging platform
established, owned, run and hosted by google. Google is a web-based
and an email service providing site based in the United States. It is
also recognized as the biggest search engine which services other
search engines including Yahoo, MSN and so on. So, the traffic on
blogger is quite promising and guaranteed. There are options to choose
the desired template for your pages right in your blogger account.
Perhaps, you can also customize your blog to make it more attractive
to the people.

How can you make money with your blog?

You can actually earn lots of dollars blogging online. To start
earning with your blog, take the following steps:

i. Publish articles that are fresh, original, non-duplicate and of
high quality in nature. Ensure that such articles are attractive to
your readers so that they can keep coming back to visit your blog.
This will help seriously in boosting traffic. If you publish duplicate
contents on your blog, success is far away. This is so because traffic
will be down on your blog and you won't be able to monetize such a
blog. On the other hand, if your blog is loaded with a pool of
content-rich and original articles, success is guaranteed. Such
articles drive massive traffic to a blog or website. That is the
formula to success while blogging. There is no shortcut to that. So,
if you are really serious about making money online, your contents
must always be unique, original and non-duplicate.

ii. Submit your blog to multiple search engines including Google,
Yahoo, Bing, and others so that your published articles can get indexed
as quickly as possible. That can also help you succeed in your online
endeavor. Some of these search engines may require that you submit
your blog only once while others may ask you submitting frequently to
help you get indexed. The most important thing about submitting your
blog to search engines is traffic. They instruct you to submit only
the main page of the blog while other pages will be indexed
automatically. To start submitting your blog to search engines, use
the search box of google or yahoo and get hundreds of search engines
where you can submit free of charge.

iii. Add sitemap to your blog. This is done using google webmaster
tools. It is the most crucial step that must be taken in order to be
successful with your blog online. If the sitemap is not added to a blog,
such a blog will not be visible to the world.